Posted on April 2, 2024  — 


People of Kuki-Chin-Mizo, we are all brethren,
We are the same people, in blood and identity
Though many attempts to split us within and without,
We can't be separated as we are intertwined by God!
For we have the same root, culture, and history!

We may have stored up high-degree anger in our minds,
Justified it as a fair-enough-reason within ourselves,
Be it our past mistreats upon each other,
Or severe misdeeds that can't be altered,
But, we must seek to forgive one another!

Let's confront our problems face-to-face with each other,
Not by swords and spears, or through the barrel of guns,
But through love and dialogues, songs, and dances,
For enough blood has already been shed and spilled,
Let's give 'forgiveness' and 'peace' the chance they deserve!

How many songs and poems will we need?!
To reconcile and forgive one another, number it!
Now, we need peace more than anyone else,
To heal us and our land from curse and hatred!
To forgive is divine - let the Almighty intervene.

May I humbly propose to my beloved people,
That a day be observed as a 'DAY OF BROTHERHOOD',
That day, we will toast our drinks, share bread, and dine together.
We will all sing and dance, all day and night,
And our children will observe it, even after we are all gone.

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