Posted on May 16, 2024  — 

What Are We Waiting For?

Your brother is badly beaten up,
Killed, mutilated, and mocked
Right in front of you! Why are you still standing and watching,
Just like a mere spectator?
Why don't you fight alongside him?

Your sister is stripped naked, and
Having been molested and raped
Right under your nose!
Why did you turn away and keep quiet?
Where is your honor and pride?
Why don't you protect her dignity at least?

For what do you stockpile hundreds of automatic guns,
And thousands of rounds of ammunition at home
If not to protect your brothers and sisters, and
To defend your land from the enemy?
Everything has its own time and value!
Now is the time to use those weapons!

Now is not the time to be soft and talk sweetly,
Now is wartime; peace time is over!
Now is the time to come out from your home,
Get off your cozy bed and couches.
It's time to strike, not just talk!
For we have seen enough of our bloodshed.

We must fight hand-in-hand as brothers!
We must fight in the hills and mountains,
On the front lines and riversides.
We must fight in the woods and forests,
In the streets and fields.
We shall never give up even an inch of our land!


(This piece is written to call brave soldiers from all units of Lamka to fight our enemies alongside our brothers.)

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