We are all like actors in a war movie,
Where different actors play,
Each their own unique roles and characters,
Some are patriots; others are cowards
Some are heroes; others villains
What role do you play?
Are you a hero who sacrifices himself,
To protect his own people, or
Are you a coward who betrays them,
To save his own skin in fear of death.
Are you a selfish hypocrite?
Who advocates patriotism in public
But is too stingy to donate even a penny, or
Who shares all he has to feed his people
Who have been uprooted from their homes.
A movie is judged by its script and acting talents,
But real life is measured by - your heart and
The Role You Choose to play!
So, choose wisely which role to play!
For that will determine who you are!
Thingkho Le Malcha (TLM) is a traditional method of communication used to send out messages across the Kuki hills during the Anglo-Kuki War,1917-1919... more
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