Posted on March 5, 2024  — 

When will we Learn our Lessons

We have learnt the line:
'United we stand, divided we fall'
From a very young age, since our school days.
And we also know the story of an old man
Who gave a lesson to his quarreling sons, like us:
To break the sticks one by one,
But none of them could ever break
The bundle of many sticks tied together.

So, when are we learning our school's lessons?
Our leaders must also stop propagating
Their theory of 'We versus They'.
They should not divide the people, but unite them.
If they choose to divide them, they shouldn't be leaders.
Instead, they should sit in their homes and watch TV.
They should not sweet-talk with their twisted lies
To destroy our oneness, love and trust.

Let no one sell away our unity and land,
With silver or gold, fame, or power.
Listen, whoever betrays his people must
Never be forgiven at any cost, and
Must be condemned as the highest treason.
Behold, my people, for now, there is nothing more
Valuable for us than to be united.
Otherwise, we are all doomed to perish.

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