Posted on September 30, 2024  — 

Zalengam's Lament

In Manipur's depths, a tale of betrayal old
Where trust is shattered, like broken gold
The State's complicity, a shameful stain
Meitei's advantage, Kuki's anguish, an endless refrain

Like wolves in sheep's clothing, they crept
With deceitful hearts, our trust they stepped
On the altar of power, our lives were sold
As pawns in their game, our future grew old

Zalengam's hills, once green and serene
Now crimson-stained, with blood unseen
Families shattered, like fallen leaves
Displaced and forlorn, our people's pleas

Yet, amidst the ashes, a spark remains
A flame of resistance, that refuses to wane
For we, the Kuki, are born of the land
Our roots run deep, our spirit expand

Like the phoenix, we rise from the pain
Our hearts unbroken, our wills like iron chains
We'll fight for Zalengam, till dawn's early light
For our ancestors' dreams, we'll hold the fight

Through treacherous terrain, we'll find our way
With every breath, we'll face the fray
For our land, our culture, our identity too
We'll rise, we'll resist, our spirit anew.

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